Everything You Need to Know About the ‘Everyday Basics’ Zara Hair Care Products, in Collaboration with Guido Palau Steven Meisel-approved hair at home.
Taylor Swift Morphs Into Brigitte Bardot for British Vogue’s January 2020 Cover "The Photoshop makes her look like a different person."
Gigi Hadid as You’ve Never Seen Her Before on Vogue Italia (Forum Buzz) "Why are they doing this to us? WHY?"
Hair Stitching Is the Latest Beauty Technique to Come from Paris Fashion Week Yes, it's exactly what you think it is.
#TBT? Five Big-Name Fashion Designers Who Had Ties to the Nazis What were your favorite designers doing during the Nazi occupation of France?
Nip Slips, Crotch Shots and Other Embarrassing Celebrity Moments We highlight some of the more noteworthy red carpet, um, reveals.