“Oh my goodness I actually smiled when I saw that Kylie cover! It’s everything I need for spring. I like the mood. I love the carefree feel to it. I love how it feels so natural. Her best cover to date. I might actually buy this. She’s a beautiful woman. Gugu’s cover is also beautiful. Love the attitude,” raved MON the moment the covers dropped.
“Yeah, Kylie’s cover is soo good! I like it,” chimed in fluxxx.
Sharing the exact same sentiments was kokobombon, echoing, “I think that Kylie’s cover is the best! I prefer her styling and pose/expression over the rest.”
Narcyza couldn’t believe it either: “I’m surprised but Kylie looks quite fresh and young here!”
Yet not everyone was so forthcoming toward Marie Claire‘s new offering. “Honestly f**k them for featuring an incredibly talented and elegant girl like Gugu on the cover with girls like Kylie Jenner and that obnoxious pouty Baldwin girl. But at least she looks the best and slays them all. F**k them too for that hair and light skin on Zendaya,” pointed out a frustrated Wolkfolk.

See the remaining covers and check out some previews inside our thread here.