It’s about time Anna Wintour granted Bella Hadid a solo cover of American Vogue. Bella’s certainly qualified for the position having proved herself time and time again fronting just about every other edition of Vogue around the world. After joining her peers on the American fashion bible’s September 2021 issue, Bella now fronts its April 2022 issue. A departure from last month’s glamorous Kim Kardashian offering, Bella looks effortless wearing a Maison Margiela Artisanal draped top and jeans selected by stylist Gabriella Karefa-Johnson for the cover image captured by Ethan James Green.

The end result pleases the majority of our forum members. “Rather beautiful and VERY classic U.S. Vogue,” admired KINGofVERSAILLES.
“I’ve been anticipating seeing Bella’s first solo cover for U.S. Vogue and honestly, they did not disappoint…” approved crmsnsnwflks.
“It’s a beautiful cover. It’s about time Bella has her solo cover,” THD96 chimed in.
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“I think the cover is absolutely beautiful. Very simple and effective,” proclaimed mepps.
“Oh, I love this! It has a lovely ease to it and that blue background color is gorgeous,” raved LastNight.
But not everyone is buying it. “Pathetic. Is the wrinkled backdrop supposed to make it relatable?” asked avonlea002.
“Looks pretty amateur to me and not a fan of the styling,” critiqued BlueRuin.
“A bit too cold and uninviting for my liking, but can perhaps appreciate this more laid-back approach after last month’s high-glam cover with Kim Kardashian,” reasoned vogue28.
See more of Vogue‘s April 2022 issue and join the conversation here.